Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

miss you

miss him so much.
dah tiga hari tak call,
but mlam tdi baru call..
sekjap je.
2 minit je.
public phone lah kata kan.
tapi takpe, 
asal dpat dngar suara pun jdi lah.
di sebab kan terlalu rindu,
inilah akibat nyer..

conteng tangan sendri.
sorry sayang (:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


on 15.01.2011
my sister,foster brother and i go to klcc..
my brother, amirul..
give me a shirt from zara shop..
im so excited.
cuz this is my first shirt from zara..
the price of the shirt is 69.90.
it so expensive.
but my brother just paid it..
thanks adik..
love you so much..<3

 this is the shirt

and this is my brother <3

Friday, January 14, 2011

spec !

my face when using spectacles..
ayda's spectacles..
thanks ayda rahim.(:
(don't laugh when see my picture using spectacles)

 me (:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

my hair !!

my hair,,,
sudahhh terpotong.
but not too short..
just nice to meee..
(takde kerja and tak tahu nk tulis ape..)

kan betull...
takde lah pendek sngt..

Saturday, January 8, 2011

F . . . . .

f <3

pure science

skrang dah msuk dunia form 4..
best kot.. tak tahu lah
kne msuk klas.
pure science..
no way..
tak nkkkk..
i want account class..
tak tahu bole bwa ke tak.??.
harap lah bole bwa utk semntara..
and harp sngt dpt klas akaun...:(

PMR Result.

awal awal dah gelak..
my pmr result..
is soooooooooooo..
7A 1B..
bersyukur sngt sngt kat Allah S.W.T..
tak pernah dpt sebaik tu..
hope my spm like my pmr too..